Contact Lenses
To order your contact lenses, call (615)895-5000 or e-mail us at info@drcarlvinson.com
Valid Contact Lens Prescription REQUIRED.
We can order and fit all major brands of contact lenses. There are lenses for almost all situations. From Astigmatism to Bifocals to Colors... even DRY EYES, today's contact lens manufacturers are supplying a very wide range of needs. If you've ever been told you can't wear contacts, now may be the time to ask again.... the answer may surprise you!
There are many brands of contact lenses. Here at our office we use several different manufacturers for a variety of reasons. Some manufacturers have better lenses for Astigmatism than others. Other manufacturers have a better lens material for dry eye patients. We choose the best lens with the best material for each individual based on a comphrensive eye exam and contact lens evaluation process.

We try to keep our pricing policies simple. Our "Up Front" policy allows for estimates and price ranges to be given over the phone. It also means that you can know the exact amount of your total BEFORE the fitting and evaluation parts of the exam are done.
First time patients with us will pay a little more for the contact lens evaluation and fitting process since it is more involved. Our previous patients in contact lenses that have been fit by us will enjoy a price reduction on the contact lens fitting and evaluation because the bulk of the process has already been accomplished. Why pay the same amount if it requires less time and effort on our part?
Contact Lens Prescriptions
A valid contact lens prescription must have the following information:
1) Patient's Name
2) Effective Date
3) Must state "Contact Lens Prescription"
4) Manufacturer's Name
5) Contact Lens Name
6) Base Curve
7) Diameter
8) Power
9) Expiration Date
10) Doctor's Signature
To order your contact lenses, call (615)895-5000 or e-mail us at info@drcarlvinson.com
Valid Contact Lens Prescription REQUIRED.
401 West College Street Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(615) 895-5000